Does winter make indoor air quality worse than the rest of the year? Yes and no. It’s not that the air is worse, but because homes are built to be energy-efficient to hold heat in during the wintertime, that means it’s also keeping the clean air out. Causing higher...
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4 Reasons You’ll Fall in Love with Your Air Purifier
Are you considering buying an air purifier or do you want to upgrade your current air purifier? We count down the top reasons why you should invest in cleaner air. 4. You like to avoid chemicals If you’re all about a toxic-free life, then air purifiers are a great...
Do Fireworks Release Toxins Harmful to Your Health?
Fireworks are one of the most popular ways to celebrate Independence Day, but they can also be dangerous to your health. Americans purchase more than 258 million pounds of fireworks every year, according to the American Pyrotechnics Association. They're legal in all...
How “Thick Air” Can Impact Meetings
We've all been there: At the end of a meeting the air feels thick, your head is pounding, and you feel low on energy. IDEAL air purifiers create a clean atmosphere that keeps this dreaded tiredness at bay. When you can "cut through the air" with a knife It sometimes...
Poor Air Quality Proven to Impact Cognition
It’s fair to say that air pollution is one of the world’s largest health and environmental problems, but the conversation is usually about outdoor air quality, and you rarely hear about measuring the quality of indoor air. There can be many significant indoor air...
Increase Productivity with a Breath of Clean Air
Why is it that the ocean breeze or the mountain air is so refreshing? It’s because it’s usually less contaminated than stale, indoor air. Indoor air can actually be up to 100x dirtier than the air outside. On average, we spend up to 90% of the day indoors. No matter...
Will an Air Purifier Make a Difference?
The World Health Organization (WHO) published air quality guidelines after research showed air pollution as one of the biggest environmental threats to human health. “Since WHO’s last 2005 global update, there has been a marked increase of evidence that shows how air...