by Highlands | May 31, 2023
While our high-quality shredders are designed for precision performance, our centralized machines have Patented Electronic Capacity Control (ECC) indicator prevents jams by monitoring sheet capacity levels during operation. Additionally, deskside units you can utilize...
by Highlands | May 18, 2023
You can manually oil your shredder in two ways. First, you can directly squirt IDEAL shredder oil into the shredder’s mouth by squeezing a stream back and forth across the shredding opening. Alternatively, you can apply oil to a few sheets of paper by squeezing it...
by Highlands | May 18, 2023
What items your machine can shred depends on the horsepower of the motor and the security level. For example, the P-7 Super Micro Cut machines may only shred paper. Whereas the 4005 P2 machine can handle paper, staples, paper clips, credit cards, and CD/DVDs. Please...
by Highlands | May 18, 2023
While we do not recommend consistent shredding of cardboard, small amounts of cardstock can be shredded along with paper.
by Highlands | May 18, 2023
When using for the first time and when you change the oil bottle (B). Press and hold the rocker switch (R). Press, and hold the rocker switch until the LED (A) no longer blinks red.